Towards a Brighter Future with Expert Child Neurology Care that takes into account the rapidly changing knowledge base in this field. We serve the whole middle east area like Jordan ,Kuwait, Saudia Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Palestine, Egypt.

We love what we do

we are more than a medical facility; we are a dedicated team of professionals committed to the holistic well-being of children.

As American Board Pediatric neurologist , I like to apply the highest standard in managing kids with neurological problems.

We have a highly trained team at our child neurology clinic and autism center. Pediatric neurology is the largest field in pediatric medicine.

Well trained Child neurologists are highly needed in the middle east and all over the world.

Child Neurology Clinic and Autism Center.

About Us

الدكتور حمزة السيوف 
 استشاري أعصاب ودماغ أطفال البورد الامريكي 
 شهادة بكالوريس الطب من جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا 
 بورد أعصاب الاطفال من جامعة أوهايو ستيت

خبرتنا تنبع من قلب العاصمة الأردنية عمان لتشمل:
طيف التوحد
الاضطرابات الوراثية
اضطراب نقص الانتباه وفرط النشاط 
تأخر النمو
الصداع النصفي
الأمراض العصبية العضلية.

we understand and celebrate the uniqueness of each child. Our approach is rooted in personalized care, where every diagnosis is an opportunity to tailor interventions that align with individual needs. Whether it’s managing epilepsy, supporting neurodevelopment, or providing autism services, our dedicated team is here to make a difference in the lives of children and their families.